Wednesday 29 October 2014


Hi everyone welcome to my blog! I'm Amy, otherwise known as the Bighearted Brunette, a 19 year old Fashion Management student from Aberdeen.  As part of our coursework for our fashion communication module we must start our own blog, so here I am!
I love fashion and enjoy reading Vogue in my spare time.  Victoria's Secret is definitely my favourite brand, I just love the models, extensive range of colours and styles of the lingerie and everything that the brand portrays.
Aside from fashion; family and friends mean the world to me, and I enjoy spending time with them.  Going on holiday to Turkey has been a huge part of my life since I was seven years old, even more so now since my boyfriend is from there.  I also really enjoy singing, dancing and cooking!
Anyway enough about me, I have decided to go down a slightly different route with my blog.  Each post will concentrate on a different TV programme where I will comment on the fashion designers used, what fashions I like/dislike and whether the outfits chosen are in line with current trends.  I will be choosing a range of my favourite TV programmes which will obviously reflect what I personally like to watch in my spare time.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog,
lots of love the bighearted brunette
  Victoria's Secret Angels - from

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