Monday 1 December 2014

Strictly Style!

Hi all,

How many of you are going to admit to watching Strictly Come Dancing?  I know its never been seen as the coolest show to watch but I don't care, I love it!  Unlike the X Factor I feel the celebrities actually get better every year on Strictly and sometimes they may end up as good as their professional partners.  I have always said I would like to be famous just so I could participate in Strictly - there's just something about the glitz and glamour  and the beautiful outfits that has captured my attention from a young age.  Well that and the gorgeous male professionals...

How many of you watched it on Saturday night?  I did and it's my favourite part of the series now where almost every couple could be a worthy winner.  On Saturday night the couples were allocated different dances and the show took on an "Around the World" theme.  So from a Vegas inspired Salsa to a Greek inspired Argentine Tango we as viewers got it all on Saturday night, including the costumes that were full of colour and style.

Pop star Pixie Lott and partner Trent were given The Netherlands for their Viennese Waltz.  Although it portrayed the country well, I don't think they were the most flattering outfits, especially Trent's as it made him look like a young boy.  However the pastel colours used for Pixie's outfit are on trend for this Winter.

Casualty actress Sunetra and partner Brendan danced a Brazilian inspired Rumba.  For a beautiful dance like the rumba I feel that their outfits did not suffice.  They are quite boring and do not really match with one another.  However Sunetra's dress is made from chiffon so allows for movement which is important for the Rumba.  Her dress is delicate and is in line with Vogue's "Shadow Play" trend.

Saturday's singer Frankie and her partner Kevin performed a Jive inspired by the USA.  Readers seriously what is Kevin's shirt?  Those kind of shirts should be burned!  I just don't see why guys think they look good.  But Frankie did look amazing as always in her LRD (little red dress).  Frankie is rocking two trends: number one she looks perfect for a night out, and number two Vogue's "Blood Lines" looking super sexy in red.

Eastenders actor Jake Wood and his partner Janette made the crowd go wild with their Greek inspired Argentine Tango (get your head around that)!  I just LOVED everything about this performance:  the Argentine Tango is by far one of my favourites, the precision and intensity of the dance is just amazing to watch, and readers you know my feelings on a classy white dress - Janette looked beautiful and it was even more gorgeous as it was detailed with lace.  Oh and Jake looked good too haha!

Moving on to TV presenter Caroline Flack and her partner Pasha (Love Pasha) they danced a Turkish Charleston.  I found this one pretty funny, I love how Pasha is portraying the typical Turkish male stereotype yet Caroline just looked like she was performing an ordinary Charleston.  None the less their dance was the best of the night and top marks to Pasha as he is so on trend with his waistcoat; winter prints are so in!  Not so sure on the hat though...

Ex Blue singer Simon Webbe and partner Kristina performed an Austrian inspired Waltz.  Simon looked professional and danced like a true gent in this very smart black suit.  It went perfectly with Kristina's angelic, cream dress.  The dress flowed and fitted her body beautifully as she danced.  The intricate, decadent detailing added to the angelic qualities of both the dress and dance.  Her dress portrayed the "Shadow Play" trend as seen in Vogue, while Simon's suit displayed the "Power Dressing" trend perfectly.

Finally, Mark Wright and his partner Karen danced a Las Vegas Salsa.  I must say I was not too keen on Mark's pink shirt - he'd probably be better if he just took it off haha!  But I loved the mix of pink feathers attached to Karen's costume.  Karen's outfit displayed lots of sparkle too - perfect for this Winter with the party season just around the corner.  The couples costumes worked well together and portrayed lots of fun - ideal for the Salsa.

So readers do you agree with my observations from Saturday?  Who's outfit stole the show?  Leave me a comment.

lots of love the bighearted brunette



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