Monday 17 November 2014

Fashion in the Australian Jungle!

Hi all,

Sunday night saw the return of probably my favourite reality TV show - I'm a celebrity get me out of here.  Even after 13 other series' of the programme I feel it never gets old as it is on for 3 weeks and then off for the whole rest of the year - meaning that viewers don't get bored of it.  I certainly could never get bored of it, there's nothing better than watching Z-list celebrities enduring weeks of starvation, horrible bushtucker trials and doing anything for just five minutes of fame.  Although the celebrities go into the camp wearing the usual jungle attire for the duration, they always dress to impress on the launch night.
Let's meet the camp mates and their first fashion impressions...

Group one (left to right) we have Melanie Sykes, Michael Buerk, Kendra Wilkinson, Tinchy Stryder and Jimmy Bullard.  None of them dressed overly nice in my opinion - however you can see each individual's fashion tastes through the clothing they are wearing.  Mel's blue and red flower dress actually looks quite cheap and I feel is a bit too short and showing too much cleavage (remember its always one or the other).  I don't think her shoes go with this outfit choice either, a summery pair of wedges would have looked better!  Michael has dressed himself well in relation to his personality - his outfit is simple and classic.  Kendra's dress is a bright colour - perfect for the sun but just a bit too casual for my liking!  You must have realised by now I'm someone that loves to dress up, any excuse and its a dress and a killer pair of heels haha!  Next we have Tinchy looking cool as ever and typical of a man his age in this ensemble.  Finally, Jimmy has his own unique style - a pair of converse, and basic shorts paired with a more flamboyant shirt.
And that brings me on to group two (left to right) Craig Charles, Carl "Foggy" Fogarty, Vicki Michelle, Nadia Forde and Gemma Collins.  Craig kind of looks like he's just chucked on anything he could find really, do you agree?  But at least he managed to colour coordinate himself haha.  Foggy like Michael went for a classic white shirt and jeans (always a winner).  Previous pin up girl?  Are you sure, cause I have no idea what those blue sleeve things are that Vicki was wearing.  Nadia - finally someone that actually made a bit of an effort!  You can never, ever go wrong with a white, fitted dress - Classy with a capital C!  The lace detailing as well was beautiful and the heels just finished the outfit off perfectly.  And finally we have Gemma not a dress that personally I would wear but the large amount of embellishment on the dress fits well with her big, bubbly personality.

After sipping cocktails and a visit from Ant and Dec the celebrities entered the jungle.  Their clothing changed dramatically, it was the usual jungle fashion - khaki, red and green garments finished with a lovely brown hat!  (please sense my sarcasm).  Although saying that Vogue's "Fight Club" trend shows army style, khaki clothing to be very on trend this Autumn/Winter.
Who's your favourite in the jungle so far?  Do you love a white, fitted dress as much as me?  Let me know your thoughts readers!
lots of love the bighearted brunette

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